Saturday, June 28, 2008




Subash Chandra Bose was the Supreme commander and Chief of the Free India Forces , the I.N.A. (Indian National Army). Commander Bose and his INA forces conducted military campaign against British Imperialism for the SOLE PUPOSE - liberation of occupied India. During World war two, His forces received training and support primarily from the Axis nations Germany, Russia, and Japan and some from Italy.
Commander Bose and the INA found comradeship with the regular German forces, under the command of Field Marshall General Rommel (DESERT FOX- North Afric/ C.O, Western European defence command), HOWEVER BOSE AND HIS SOLDIERS disliked Hitlers policy against the Jews of Europe and the war against peacefull America. The Indian National Army troops needed the Germans for the liberation of India, and help in training and arms. Majority of the Indian National Army disliked Hitler's ambitions of world dominance and treatment of the Jews. It should be noted that Commander Bose was the only Axis ally that openly opposed Hitler in the treatment of Jews, and the Invasion of Russia which eventually caused a rift that resulted in the withdrawal of command and operations from Hitler to the Japanese Command and eastern sector. Bose found more common Asian brotherhood with the Japanese in culture and religion. The INA did not want to fight the Americans, only the British and their allies that occupied India.

The Indian National Army was an all volunteer force of persons of Indian Origin, worldwide, consisting of all faiths and gender represtated from all states of India. The INA also had allies from Irish Republicans, and Jewish entities from Haganna and Irgun who supported the Indian Agenda in Intelligence gathering.

Commander Bose and the INA were a key factors in the eventual British Decision to leave India.

Mahtma Ghandi and Commander Bose were allies in the freedom struggle with A COMMON OBJECTIVE - INDPENDECE FROM BRITISH RULE. Ghandi believed in the lesser of two evils and supported the British in World War two, while Bose believed in allying temporarily with the Germans and axis nations in the armed struggle against the British Occupiers.
Commander Bose and his free India forces fought the British in the tropics primarily Burma.
The unfortunate dilemma of the Indian National Army was fighting against their fellow Indian Brothers serving under the British flag. This was highly disheartening for both sides of Indian soldiers fighting against their own for the common objective. The Indian National Army forced the British Command to negotiate with the moderates faction in forcing an early withdrawal out of India. The moderates fought for the British during world war two inreturn for the British Promise of leaving India. Bose on the other hand felt the British had lied and mislead the Indians enough with false promises and oppression that direct action was needed to force the British in a negotiated withdrawal and or a forced withdrawal from occupied India.

The Indian National Army and Commander Bose were key factors in the liberation and freedom of India from the British. Unfortunately Commander Bose and his Patriots are not fully given the recognition they fully deserve.
Commander Bose and the INA , like Mangal Pandy , Baghat Singh and their cohorts were the true patriots in the Century long war of Independence from the British Empire. Subahs Chandra Bose and the Men and Women Soldiers of the Indian National Army were true Patriots and national heroes that need more recognition and remembrance in full civilian and military honors. Please honor these forgotten heros.

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